Managing Workspaces

A Powerpipe workspace is a "profile" that allows you to define a unified environment that the Powerpipe client can interact with.

Powerpipe workspaces allow you to define multiple named configurations:

workspace "default" {
log_level = "warn"
output = "pretty"
memory_max_mb = 1024
workspace "local_server" {
listen = "network"
port = 9033
input = false
memory_max_mb = 2048

and easily switch between them using the --workspace argument

powerpipe server start --workspace local_server
powerpipe benchmark run my_benchmark --workspace local_server
powerpipe benchmark list --workspace remote_server
powerpipe benchmark run remote_benchmark --workspace remote_server

or POWERPIPE_WORKSPACE environment variable:

export POWERPIPE_WORKSPACE=local_server
powerpipe server start
powerpipe benchmark run my_benchmark
POWERPIPE_WORKSPACE=remote_server powerpipe benchmark list
POWERPIPE_WORKSPACE=remote_server powerpipe benchmark run remote_benchmark

Turbot Pipes workspaces are automatically supported:

powerpipe query --workspace acme/dev "select * from aws_account"

Defining Workspaces

Workspace configurations can be defined in any .ppc file in the configuration file search path but by convention, they are defined in a file named workspaces.ppc. This file may contain multiple workspace definitions that can then be referenced by name.

Any unset arguments will assume the default values - you don't need to set them all:

workspace "default" {
output = "pretty"
update_check = true
telemetry = false
port = 9033

You can use base= to inherit settings from another profile:

workspace "dev" {
base = workspace.default
log_level = "warn"
workspace "prod" {
base = workspace.default
log_level = "info"
input = false
update_check = false

The database defaults to a local Steampipe instance (postgres://steampipe@ because most Powerpipe mods are written for a Steampipe database instance, but you can change it to be another Postgres database:

workspace "my_workspace" {
database = "postgres://"

or MySQL:

workspace "my_workspace" {
database = "mysql://root:my_pass@tcp("

or SQLite:

workspace "my_workspace" {
database = "sqlite:./my_sqlite.db"

or DuckDB:

workspace "my_workspace" {
database = "duckdb:./my_ducks.db"

or a Turbot Pipes workspace, in the form of {identity_handle}/{workspace_handle}:

workspace "acme_prod" {
database = "acme/prod"

The snapshot_location can also be a Turbot Pipes workspace, in the form of {identity_handle}/{workspace_handle}:

workspace "acme_prod" {
database = "acme/prod"
snapshot_location = "acme/prod"

If it doesn't match the {identity_handle}/{workspace_handle} pattern it will be interpreted to be a path to a directory in the local filesystem where snapshots should be written to:

workspace "local" {
snapshot_location = "home/raj/my-snapshots"

Using Workspaces

The workspace named default is special; if a workspace named default exists, --workspace is not specified in the command, and POWERPIPE_WORKSPACE is not set, then Powerpipe uses the default workspace:

powerpipe benchmark run my_benchmark

It is common to create the default workspace in ~/.powerpipe/config/workspaces.ppc. You can also create a "directory local" default for a specific directory. Because the default configuration file search path includes the current directory / mod location at a higher precedence than ~/.powerpipe/config, your "directory local" default will take precedence when you run Powerpipe from that directory.

You can pass any workspace to --workspace to use its values:

powerpipe benchmark run my_benchmark --workspace=dev

Or do the same with the POWERPIPE_WORKSPACE environment variable:

POWERPIPE_WORKSPACE=dev powerpipe benchmark run my_benchmark

If you specify the --workspace argument and the POWERPIPE_WORKSPACE environment variable, the --workspace argument wins:

# prod will be used as the effective workspace
powerpipe benchmark run my_benchmark --workspace=prod

If you specify the --workspace argument and more specific arguments, any more specific arguments will override the workspace values:

# will use "debug" as the log level, but dev workspace for any OTHER options
powerpipe benchmark run my_benchmark --workspace=dev --log-level=debug

Environment variable values override default workspace settings when the default workspace is implicitly used:

# will use 7777 as the port, but get the rest of the values from the default workspace
export POWERPIPE_PORT=7777
powerpipe server

If the default workspace is explicitly passed to the --workspace argument, its values will override any individual environment variables:

# will NOT use 7777 as port - will use ALL of the values from default workspace so the port is 9033
export POWERPIPE_PORT=7777
powerpipe server --workspace=default

The same is true of any named workspace:

# will NOT use 7777 as port - will use ALL of the values from prod workspace so the port is 9033
export POWERPIPE_PORT=7777
powerpipe server --workspace=prod

Implicit Workspaces

Named workspaces follow normal standards for HCL identifiers, thus they cannot contain the slash (/) character. If you pass a value to --workspace or POWERPIPE_WORKSPACE in the form of {identity_handle}/{workspace_handle}, it will be interpreted as an implicit workspace. Implicit workspaces, as the name suggests, do not need to be specified in the workspaces.ppc file. Instead, they will be assumed to refer to a Powerpipe Cloud workspace, which will be used as both the database (database) and snapshot location (snapshot_location).

Essentially, --workspace acme/dev is equivalent to:

workspace "acme/dev" {
database = "acme/dev"
snapshot_location = "acme/dev"