Formatting Output

By default, Powerpipe shows a progress bar and produces colorized output to the console screen. Powerpipe provides many options to control the output formatting.

If you run Powerpipe from a CI tool or batch scheduler, you may want to use non-colorized output and disable the progress bar:

powerpipe benchmark run cis_v150 --output=plain --progress=false

Some benchmarks are quite verbose. To show only the items that are in alarm or error, use brief output:

powerpipe benchmark run cis_v150 --output=brief

You can also export the full output to JSON:

powerpipe benchmark run cis_v150 --export=json


powerpipe benchmark run cis_v150 --export=csv

Or markdown:

powerpipe benchmark run cis_v150 --export=md


powerpipe benchmark run cis_v150 --export=html

Or export to multiple formats from a single run:

powerpipe benchmark run cis_v150 --export=csv --export=json --export=html

You can export to a filename of your choosing - Powerpipe will infer the output type by the file extension:

powerpipe benchmark run cis_v150 --export=output.csv --export=output.json

You can also send JSON output to STDOUT if you want to redirect it to a file or pipe it to another program:

powerpipe benchmark run cis_v150 --progress=false --output=json | jq