
Some resources may also include with blocks. Similar to a with clause in a Postgres CTE, the with block allows you to specify additional queries or SQL statements to run first, and then pass the query results as arguments to sql, query, and node & edge blocks.

with is not a top-level named resource in its own right - it is ONLY a block within other resources.

You can only specify with blocks on dashboard, graph, hierarchy, and flow, and only when they are defined as top-level named resources in your mod. The results of the with query can be referenced only within the resource in which it is defined (including any sub-blocks).

Example Usage

Argument Reference

argsMapOptionalA map of arguments to pass to the query.
databaseStringOptionalA database connection reference, connection string, or Pipes workspace to query. If not specified, the default database will be used.
queryQuery ReferenceOptionalA reference to a query resource that defines the query to run. You must either specify the query argument or the sql argument, but not both.
--search-pathStringOptionalSet a comma-separated list of connections to use as a custom search path for the query
--search-path-prefixStringOptionalSet a comma-separated list of connections to use as a prefix to the current search path for the query.
sqlStringOptionalAn SQL string to provide data for the edge. You must either specify the query argument or the sql argument, but not both.

Referencing with results

with blocks are scoped to the top-level resource in which they are defined. You can reference the results of a with block in any sub-block of that resource.

with blocks can only be added to top-level named resources. You cannot add with blocks to top-level anonymous resources or sub-resources.

You can reference the with query results as with.<name>.rows.

For example, given the following with block:

with.<name>.rows is a list, and you can index it to get a single row. Each row, in turn, contains all the columns, so you can get a single column of a single row:

If you splat the row, then you can get an array of a single column from all rows. This would be passed to SQL as an array:

  • if a is a scalar value, then with.stuff1.rows[*].a is an array of scalar values
  • if a is an array or JSONB array, then with.stuff1.rows[*].a is an array of arrays.

At this time, you cannot pass an entire set (with.<name>.rows) to a query - you may pass either a single value (with.<name>.rows[0].column) or an array from a single column (with.<name>.rows[*].column).