A table displays query results in a dashboard.
Table blocks can be declared as named resources at the top level of a mod, or they can be declared as anonymous blocks inside a dashboard
or container
, or be re-used inside a dashboard
or container
by using a table
with base = <mod>.table.<table_resource_name>
Example Usage
table { title = "S3 Buckets" width = 4
sql = <<-EOQ select title, arn, region from aws_s3_bucket order by title EOQ}
Argument Reference
Argument | Type | Optional? | Description |
args | Map | Optional | A map of arguments to pass to the query. |
base | Table Reference | Optional | A reference to a named table resource that this table should source its definition from. title and width can be overridden after sourcing via base . |
column | String | Optional | A named block matching the name of the column you wish to configure. See column. |
database | String | Optional | A database connection reference, connection string, or Pipes workspace to query. If not specified, the default database will be used. |
param | Block | Optional | A param block that defines the parameters that can be passed in to the query. param blocks may only be specified for tables that specify the sql argument. |
query | Query Reference | Optional | A reference to a query resource that defines the query to run. A table may either specify the query argument or the sql argument, but not both. |
--search-path | String | Optional | Set a comma-separated list of connections to use as a custom search path for the query |
--search-path-prefix | String | Optional | Set a comma-separated list of connections to use as a prefix to the current search path for the query. |
sql | String | Optional | An SQL string to provide data for the table . A table may either specify the query argument or the sql argument, but not both. |
title | String | Optional | A plain text title to display for this table. |
type | String | Optional | The type of the table. Can be table (default) or line . line view transposes each row into a key/value pair (column name/column value) item view |
width | Number | Optional | The width as a number of grid units that this item should consume from its parent. |
Table Properties
Property | Type | Default | Values |
display | string | all | all (default) will show the column at all breakpoints. none will never show the column. |
wrap | string | none | all will wrap the column contents at all breakpoints. none (default) will never wrap the column contents. |
href | string | A url that the column should link to. The href may use a jq template to dynamically generate the link for each row. |
jq Templates
The href
argument allows you to specify a jq template to dynamically generate a hyperlink from the data in the row. To use a jq template, enclose the jq in double curly braces ({{ }}
Powerpipe will pass each row of data to jq in the same format that is returned by powerpipe query json mode output, where the keys are the column names and the values are the data for that row.
For example, this query:
select instance_id, region, sg->>'GroupId' as security_groupfrom aws_ec2_instance, jsonb_array_elements(security_groups) as sg
will present rows to the jq template in this format:
{ "instance_id": "i-03d11d111b1407bbc", "region": "us-east-2", "security_group": "sg-01ee40ea54e0fa089" }
which you can then use in a jq template in the href
table { title = "Attached Security Groups" width = 4 sql = <<-EOQ select instance_id, region, sg->>'GroupId' as security_group from aws_ec2_instance, jsonb_array_elements(security_groups) as sg EOQ
column "security_group" { href = "${dashboard.aws_vpc_security_group_detail.url_path}?input.security_group_id={{.'security_group' | @uri}}" }}
Refer to [JQ Escaping & Interpolation for more advanced examples.
More Examples
Table with options for columns
table { title = "S3 Buckets"
width = 3 sql = <<-EOQ select title, arn, region from aws_s3_bucket where name like '%vandelay%' order by title EOQ
column "region" { display = "none" } column "arn" { wrap = "all" }}
Table in line mode
table { type = "line" title = "S3 Buckets" width = 4
sql = <<-EOQ select title, arn, region from aws_s3_bucket where name = 'vandelay-industries-elaines-bucket' order by title EOQ}
Table with links
table { title = "Attached Security Groups" width = 4 sql = <<-EOQ select instance_id, region, sg->>'GroupId' as security_group from aws_ec2_instance, jsonb_array_elements(security_groups) as sg EOQ
column "security_group" { href = "${dashboard.aws_vpc_security_group_detail.url_path}?input.security_group_id={{.'security_group' | @uri}}" }}