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Powerpipe HCL
Type | Description |
locals | Locals are internal, module level variables. |
mod | The mod block contains metadata, documentation, and dependency data for the mod. |
query | Queries define common SQL statements that may be used alone, or referenced by arguments in other blocks like reports and actions. |
variable | Variables are module level objects that essentially act as parameters for a module. |
Benchmarks and Controls
Type | Description |
benchmark | Benchmark provides a mechanism for organizing controls into hierarchical structures. |
control | Controls provide a defined structure and interface for queries that draw a specific conclusion (e.g. 'ok', 'alarm') about each row. |
Type | Description | Valid children types | Allowed at top-level |
dashboard | Compose resources to meet a reporting requirement. Within the powerpipe server dashboard UI, each dashboard will be presented as an available item to run. | chart container control card flow graph hierarchy image input table text with | Yes |
container | Lay out reporting resources within a dashboard. Conceptually similar to a dashboard, except it will not be presented as an available item to run within the Powerpipe dashboard UI. | chart container control card flow graph image input table text with | Yes |
card | Display a simple value in different styles e.g. plain, alert etc. Supports static values, or derived from SQL. | None | Yes |
category | Specify display options for nodes and edges | None | Yes |
chart | Visualize SQL data in a chart e.g. bar, column, line, pie etc. | None | Yes |
edge | Display an edge to connect nodes on aflow, graph, or hierarchy | None | Yes |
flow | Visualize flow data using things such as sankey. | node, edge | Yes |
graph | Visualize graph relationships. | node, edge | Yes |
hierarchy | Visualize hierarchical data using things such as tree. | node, edge | Yes |
image | Embed images in reports. Supports static URLs, or can be derived from SQL. | None | Yes |
input | Enable dynamic dashboards based on user-provided input. | None | Yes |
node | Display a vertex (node) on aflow, graph, or hierarchy | None | Yes |
table | Display tabular data in a dashboard. | None | Yes |
text | Add GitHub-flavoured markdown to a dashboard. | None | Yes |
with | Specify additional queries or SQL statements to run first, and then pass the query results as arguments to sql, query, and node & edge blocks. | None | No |