Powerpipe CLI v0.3.0 - Added support for installing mods from a branch or from the local file system

May 14, 2024cli

Whats new

  • Added support for installing mods from a branch or from the local file system. (#285)

    To install from a branch:

    powerpipe mod install github.com/turbot/steampipe-mod-aws-well-architected#main

    To reference a mod in the local file system:

    powerpipe mod install ../mods/local_mod_folder
  • Added --pull flag to mod, dashboard and benchmark commands to control the mod update strategy. (#352). Possible update strategies are:

    • full - check branch and tags for both latest and accuracy
    • latest - update everything to latest, but only branches - not tags - are commit checked (which is the same as latest)
    • development - update branches and broken constraints to latest, leave satisfied constraints unchanged
    • minimal - only update broken constraints, do not check branches for new commits