
Row and column filters, heatmaps, and more

With new filters and charts, Powerpipe benchmarks and dashboards are more interactive and expressive than ever.

Turbot Team
5 min. read - January 30, 2025

The new Tailpipe mods prompted a set of Powerpipe features that enhance the interactivity of benchmarks and dashboards. But the rising tide lifts all boats! Even if you're not yet using Tailpipe, you'll still reap the benefits:

  • Row-level filters: Include or exclude table rows based on column values.

  • Column filters: Adjust which columns are displayed in a table.

  • Row view: Explore an individual row.

  • Heatmap: Chart values aggregated by ranges of values.

Let's take a look.

Toss or keep rows in tables

When spelunking logs, a detection often surfaces a lot more tabular data than you care about. But that can be true for any table. Here's the AWS S3 Bucket Lifecycle Report in the AWS Insights, displaying buckets for multiple accounts:

If you'd like to focus on just one account, use the new Filter icon to include only buckets in that account. Need even more granularity? You can adjust based on Region column. And for any column you can either include or exclude based on its value. Here's a view that includes buckets in the silverwater account, except for those in European regions.

Select visible columns

Another new option gives you control over the columns displayed in a table. Since we've pinned this view to an account, there's no need to display that column:

When a table presents many columns, this new feature enables you to see just what you want to see, without having to scroll horizontally.

View a row

The View Row icon opens a pane that displays all of the rows columns vertically. Even if you've hidden some columns in the table view, you'll see all of them in the row view:

View a heatmap

The new heatmap chart type displays ranges of values aggregated by color intensity.

Filter, focus, and explore

These new filters, and charts help you shape your data exactly how you want to see it. Give them a try, then tell us about it!