The edge
block represents a connection between 2 nodes (vertices) in a graph
, hierarchy
or flow
Anonymous edge
blocks can be declared inside a graph
, hierarchy
or flow
. They may also be declared as named resources at the top level of a mod and referenced via base
from other edges in a graph
, hierarchy
or flow
Example Usage
edge "plugin_to_version" {title = "version"sql = <<-EOQselectname as from_id,digest as to_idfromsteampipe_registry_plugin_versionwherename = $1EOQparam "plugin_name" {}}
Argument Reference
Argument | Type | Optional? | Description |
args | Map | Optional | A map of arguments to pass to the query. |
base | flow Reference | Optional | A reference to a named edge resource that this edge should source its definition from. |
category | Block | Optional | category blocks that specify display options for edges with that category. |
database | String | Optional | A database connection string for the database you wish to query. If not specified, the active database will be used. |
param | Block | Optional | param blocks that defines the parameters that can be passed in to the sql . param blocks may only be specified when the edge is defined as a top-level (mod level), named resource. |
query | Query Reference | Optional | A reference to a query resource that defines the query to run. You must either specify the query argument or the sql argument, but not both. |
--search-path | String | Optional | Set a comma-separated list of connections to use as a custom search path for the query |
--search-path-prefix | String | Optional | Set a comma-separated list of connections to use as a prefix to the current search path for the query. |
sql | String | Optional | A SQL string to provide data for the edge . You must either specify the query argument or the sql argument, but not both. |
title | String | Optional | A plain text title to display for this edge. |
Data Format
Data must be provided in a format where each row represents an edge. Significant columns are:
Name | Description |
title | An optional title to display for the edge. |
category | An optional display category. This must be the name of a category declared in the parent graph , flow , or hierarchy . |
from_id | The id of the source node of an edge. from_id is required for edges |
properties | A jsonb key/value map of properties to display for the node/edge when the user hovers over it. The properties column is optional for nodes and edges. |
to_id | The id of the destination node of an edge. to_id is required for edges |
The category
and title
may be specified either in the SQL results or in HCL. If both are specified, the value in the SQL result set has precedence.
More Examples
An inline edge in a graph
dashboard "edge_ex_1" {graph {edge {title = "version"sql = <<-EOQselectname as from_id,digest as to_idfromsteampipe_registry_plugin_versionwherename = 'turbot/ldap'EOQ}}}
Reusable edge with base
dashboard "edge_ex_2" {graph {edge {base = edge.plugin_to_version}}}edge "plugin_to_version" {title = "version"sql = <<-EOQselectname as from_id,digest as to_idfromsteampipe_registry_plugin_versionEOQ}
Reusable edge with base
passing args
dashboard "edge_ex_2" {graph {edge {base = edge.plugin_to_versionargs = {plugin_name = self.input.plugin_name.value}}}}edge "plugin_to_version" {title = "version"sql = <<-EOQselectname as from_id,digest as to_idfromsteampipe_registry_plugin_versionwherename = $1EOQparam "plugin_name" {}}